Sunday, December 02, 2007

BioWest: An Event With a Vue!

If you are registered to attend BioWest this week then you should have received a welcome email from my friends Rob and Josh, co-founders at EventVue (EV), along with a link to set up your BioWest-EventVue profile. What this web-based software enables you to do is see in advance who will be attending the BioWest conference and of greatest value-add is the ability to network with fellow attendees before and after the conference. Networking at a conference is a fairly inefficient process, left often up to chance encounters and stacks of business cards. Anything that can help optimize the limited conference time that the expensive ticket bought you is a no-brainer.

As Colorado energizes and grows the life sciences an equivalent effort is transpiring on the IT side for our Rocky Mountain state. EventVue was the first TechStars company to close an Angel round of financing led by local rock-stars Brad Feld and David Cohen. FYI…TechStars is an amazing summer-long accelerator program established last spring in Boulder that provides seed funding, physical space, infrastructure, and of incalculable value, engulfs its start-ups with mentors, educational seminars and intimate one-on-one ad hoc exposure to a most incredible collection of serial entrepreneurs and institutional investors. The (closest) equivalent to TechStars in Colorado I can think of on the life science side is Fitzsimons BioBusiness Partners.

So be certain to establish your BioWest-EventVue profile ASAP! For this, what I am calling a Fugacious Social Network (FSN, hopefully this term will catch on to reference a short-lived network) is only as good as the content, garbage-in garbage-out.

If you have not received your BioWest-EventVue invite and/or are having problems with it please contact me immediately (

In the spirit of full disclosure I have no financial interest in the company, my interest simply lay in the desire to see all start-ups in our early-stage Colorado eco-system grow and thrive. As a very learned man once told me, a rising tide lifts all ships.

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